Who we are

GRTgaz Deutschland is a wholly owned subsidiary of GRTgaz SA. GRTgaz is the most significant transmission system operator (TSO) in France and, like GRTgaz Deutschland, is certified as an Independent Transmission Operator (ITO) under European law.

As shareholder of MEGAL GmbH & Co. KG, GRTgaz Deutschland is the operator of the pipeline system of the same name in Germany. Furthermore, we hold shares in PRISMA European Capacity Platform GmbH, on whose platform our capacities are offered and auctioned, as well as in Trading Hub Europe GmbH, which manages the balancing group for the market area of the same name. 






GRTgaz Deutschland will celebrate its 20th anniversary this year! The organisation founded in 2003 as a child operation of Gaz de France Transport has experienced various changes in the industry. Their 40 employees celebrate not only the anniversary, but the ambitious plans to evolve the industry as it looks ahead to the future.



GRTgaz Deutschland is committed to the further development of the gas market at both German and European levels. We are a member of the FNB Gas Association, which represents the interests of German transmission system operators, and above all draws up the joint network development plan for Germany. Together with the other TSOs, we have been working on the creation of the Trading Hub Europe, which emerged from the merger of NCG and Gaspool as the only German market area and the leading market area in Europe since October 1st, 2021. In Europe we are participating in the work of ENTSOG and Gas Infrastructure Europe. In terms of sustainability, we are involved in many initiatives to promote green gases. More about this under Our Future.

Equal treatment

GRTgaz Deutschland is obliged to protect the confidentiality of economically sensitive and economically advantageous information and to ensure equal treatment of all its customers and potential customers. GRTgaz Deutschland prepares an annual equal treatment report on the measures for equal treatment and communicates it to the Federal Network Agency in due time by 30 September each year, in accordance with the provisions of energy law. In the reporting periods since 2008, no complaints or indications of violations of the equal treatment programme have been detected. 

Our team

A highly qualified team is available for optimised transport handling. Through personal contacts with our customers, a 24/7 dispatching team and digital services via our website, we are customer-oriented and try to provide efficient services at all times.



Company Culture

Team Interviews


Supervisory Board 

Pierre Duvieusart, GRTgaz SA

Sandrine Meunier, GRTgaz SA

Adeline Duterque, GRTgaz SA

Managing Director 

Nicolas Delaporte, since 1.8.2009